Sunday, 17 June 2012

Noahs Musical Car

I have a toy car that plays rock n roll music. This car is yellow and white and black and has red letters on it. The boot opens and the music will come out. When you push the roof it makes a car noise I have a  picture that my Grandad took so you can see it what it looks like

I have chosen some more car pictures for you to look at.

So here are some more really cool car pictures. What do yout think if this one

I really like this orange one. I told my Grandad that it was awesome

I love this blue car as well

Monday, 4 June 2012

Slippers, Shoes, Flipflops,Sandals and Welly Boots

Slippers keep your feet warm. Shoes are for walking in to nursery. Flipflops are for outside in the summer. I wear sandals at the beach. I dont have any flipflops yet but soon I will because I will get some for Christmas. I have a pair of Welly Boots at my Nana and Grandads  house.

Here are a pair of dinasaur wellies that I would like to have

I have also added a pair of dinasaur trainers that you would like to see and I am also going to add some dinasaur flipflops and a dinasaur cake

I am going to add lots of pictures for you to see today

Thank you for reading my blog today. I would love to know what shoes you wear and maybe what cakes you like as well

Love Noah xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx